
Thursday, 02 July 2015 14:23

Thermocycler and gradient thermocycler

Thermocycler and gradient thermocycler


University: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty of Science
Department of Parasitology
Branišovská 31
City: České Budějovice

The guarantor

Name and surname: František Adamec, technological scout

Tel.: +420 38777 6262
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Manufacturer: Bio-Rad, Eppendorf, Bioer
Number of pieces: 5 thermocyclers, 1 gradient thermocycler, 2 thermocyclers with interchangeable blocks (gradient and diblocks)
Year of production: 2004-2009

Thermocyclers are used in various types of polymerase chain reactions (PCR) for the amplification of specific DNA segments for the purpose of diagnosis, reproduction of DNA for cloning, verifying the presence of the genes / organisms and the like.


The laboratory is equipped with a thermocyclers which allow for a wide range of applications. Thanks to gradient blocks and thermocyclers, PCR can be performed in a wide range of temperatures, which allows the optimization of reactions or the performance of different reactions simultaneously.



Extern: No

Transfer: No

Terms of lease:

Equipment for 1D and 2D agar and PAGE electrophoresis and electroblotting


University: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty of Science
Department of Parasitology
Branišovská 31
City: České Budějovice

The guarantor

Name and surname: František Adamec, technological scout

Tel.: +420 38777 6262
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Manufacturer: Bio-Rad, Biometra, VWR
Number of pieces:
Year of production:
2005 - 2009

Agarose electrophoresis - 1D electrophoresis (RNA, DNA) with the possibility of the analysis of a large number of samples, 2D electrophoresis (using intercalating agents), temperature (TGGE) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE).

Polyacrylamide electrophoresis - 1D separation of nucleic acids and proteins, the possibility of preparing gradient gels, native electrophoresis, 2D electrophoresis (native / SDS-PAGE, IEF / SDS-PAGE denaturing / SDS-PAGE), isoelectric focusing.

Elektroblotting – tank and semi-dry blotting.


The laboratory has a large amount of electrophoretic resources to meet the needs of individual applications. For electrophoretic separation it is possible to use purchased (i.e. Precast) gels and gels prepared in the laboratory including gradient acrylamide gels for SDS-PAGE and native (BN-PAGE). Agarose electrophoresis enables the simultaneous analysis of more than 150 samples (if necessary, one analysis per about half an hour) for the detection of nucleic acids we mainly used SYBR Green (lower toxicological risk), but other detection methods can also be applied. Nucleic acids can be analyzed using denaturing and temperature gradient methods (a more accurate analysis of mutations and supercoiling in circular molecules) and also the RLB method (reverse-line blot). The laboratory is also equipped for the blotting of nucleic acids and their further analysis on membranes. For polyacrylamide electrophoresis (PAGE) single-concentration and gradient gels can be used; we are able to prepare all types of gels thanks to supplementary equipment. Furthermore, isoelectric focusing, denaturing or native electrophoresis in combination with SDS-PAGE as a 2D protein electrophoresis can be used.



Extern: No

Transfer: No

Terms of lease:

Thursday, 02 July 2015 14:22

Liquid chromatography

Liquid chromatography


University: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty of Science
Department of Parasitology
Branišovská 31
City: České Budějovice

The guarantor

Name and surname: František Adamec, technological scout

Tel.: +420 38777 6262
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Manufacturer: Bio-Rad
Number of pieces: 1
Year of production: 2005

The device used to separate the molecules (proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates) according to the size or on the basis of affinity using different columns. The column can be used for gel filtration, ion exchange of the column and the affinity column for purification of antibodies, serum proteins and a recombinant protein with a tag (His, STREP). It can be used for analysis and preparation purposes.


The possibility of the choice and combination of two different buffers, programmable, isocratic flow and gradient. Fraction collector 10 ml test tube. UV spectrometer and a conductivity meter to monitor the course of chromatography.



Extern: No

Transfer: No

Terms of lease:

HPLC - High Performance Liquid Chromatography


University: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty of Science
Department of Parasitology
Branišovská 31
City: České Budějovice

The guarantor

Name and surname: František Adamec, technological scout

Tel.: +420 38777 6262
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Number of pieces:
Year of production: 1995

The device used to separate the molecules (proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates) according to the size or on the basis of affinity using different columns. The column can be used for gel filtration, ion exchange of the column and the affinity column for purification of antibodies, serum proteins and a recombinant protein with a tag (His, STREP). It can be used for analysis and preparation purposes.


The possibility of the choice and combination of three different buffers, programs with an isocratic flow and gradient. Fraction collector (for microtubes and 15-20 ml test tubes). UV spectrometer for monitoring the course during chromatography.



Extern: No

Transfer: No

Terms of lease:

Laboratory of Molecular Ecology of Vectors and Pathogens


Our laboratory investigates the research of molecular and cellular factors of pathogen transmission by ticks. The research is focused primarily on Lyme disease spirochetes and the tick-borne encephalitis virus. We investigate their interaction with vector tick Ixodes ricinus at the molecular level, protein-carbohydrate interactions and glycemic profiles that affect the transmission of tick-borne pathogens and the immune response of ticks to pathogens. At present, it is also developing research on the molecular ecology and epidemiology of Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis using modern methods of diagnosis of these pathogens.

Where to find us?

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Contact information

University: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty of Science
Department of Parasitology

Faculty of Science,

University of South Bohemia

Branišovská 31

CZ-37005 České Budějovice, CR

Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420605430008
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HPLC - High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Liquid chromatography

Equipment for 1D and 2D agar and PAGE electrophoresis and electroblotting

Thermocycler and gradient thermocycler

Biohazard flow-box




PCR boxes

Basic laboratory equipment


Identification of pathogens in ticks

Determination of B. burgdorferi strains in a sample

Detection of the glycemic profile of an organism / sample


Identification of differentially expressed genes in various conditions

Preparation and purification of recombinant proteins

Thursday, 02 July 2015 14:02

Department of Parasitology

Department of Parasitology

Who are we?

The Department of Parasitology ensures the master's and doctoral program of parasitology. The research activity involves structural, ecological, biochemical phylogenetic and molecular aspects of the biology of parasites.

What do we do and for whom?

The department is dedicated to the professional training of students in the field of parasitology. It is targeted into several thematic areas:

Protistan and metazoan parasites in fish

This research has a long tradition associated with fish with several laboratories of the Institute of Parasitology of the ASCR. Most of the topics deal with microsporidia, myxozoa, amphizoic amoebae, tapeworms and parasitic trematodes in fish hosts. The research mainly deals with morphological and ultrastructural characteristics, the description of new species and clarifying their development cycles using techniques of molecular biology.

Medical and Veterinary Parasitology

The research deals with organisms causing so-called opportunistic infections, e.g. cryptosporidia and microsporidia. Using experimental and natural infections, it studies host susceptibility, host specificity, histopathological changes and other important parameters of these diseases.

Molecular biology of carriers

The aim of this theme is to analyze the molecular and cellular factors responsible for the interaction of the carrier with the host. Examples are components of salivary glands of ticks or the molecule α2-macrotubulin as a component of tick immunity. From an ecological and epidemiological point of view the immunological and genetic characterization of different strains of tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease agents are especially important.

Molecular phylogenetics and the evolution of parasites

Using molecular information it studies phylogenetic relationships and population structures within parasitic and symbiotic relationships. These analyses serve to clarify various issues of evolutionary parasitology, e.g. the role of host specificity and geographic distribution in the emergence of the parasite population structure or coevolutionary processes between parasites and hosts.

Why do we exist?

The department guarantees the master and doctoral field study program of parasitology. It coordinates the study programs and the qualification thesis of students of bachelor programs focusing on parasitology. It is developing scientific activity in the framework of cooperation between USB FS and the Parasitological Institute BC of the ASCR in the fields of biology and ecology of parasitic protozoa, worms and arthropods and in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology of parasites.

What are our aims?

The Department of Parasitology will continue the development of existing research activities and will continue to be devoted to training students in the field of parasitology.

Where to find us?

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Contact information


Branišovská 31

České Budějovice

Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: 387775441
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Laboratory of Molecular Ecology of Vectors and Pathogens

Thursday, 02 July 2015 14:01

Department of Animal Physiology

Department of Animal Physiology

Who are we?

The Department of Physiology was founded in 2000, originally as part of the USB Faculty of Biology. The main objective of the department is to educate students and their preparation for future practice and coordination of research activities in the field of animal physiology.

What do we do and for whom?

The department offers courses within the specialization of Animal Physiology. The scientific work of the department staff and the students led by them focuses on the study of metabolism and the development of invertebrates and vertebrates and ecological physiology. This study includes research on insect stress hormones and the characterization of their function in triggering anti-stress reactions, physiological research on adaptation to survive low temperatures and the role of circadian oscillators in regulating the daily rhythmicity of behavior and photoperiodism, and metabolism research in aquatic animals.

Why do we exist?

The department coordinates the study programs and dissertations of students of bachelor programs focusing on animal physiology. Furthermore it guarantees master's degree programs in Experimental Biology and the specialization of Animal Physiology and the doctoral field of study Physiology and Developmental Biology of Animals. It is developing its scientific activity in the areas of insect physiology and the fish physiology. It closely cooperates with the Institute of Entomology BC of the ASCR in České Budějovice.

What are our aims?

The aim of the department is to ensure the quality teaching of courses covering important areas of animal physiology, teach students to master the methodological background of the main trends in modern animal physiology and in the research area, to build upon the above mentioned projects.

Where to find us?

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Contact information


Branišovská 31a,

České Budějovice

Registration No.: 60076658
+420 385 310 366

Thursday, 02 July 2015 14:01

Processing of maps using GIS tools

Processing of maps using GIS tools


University: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty of Science
Department of Ecosystem Biology
Branišovská 31
City: České Budějovice

The guarantor

Name and surname: František Adamec, technological scout
Tel.: +420 38777 6262
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  1. Space relational analysis on units of land use (categories according to specification and data availability)

  2. The selection of interest areas according to the required criteria

    1. On the basis of geographic parameters - slope, exposure, distance from a certain point, place of vision, direction of flow

    2. Based on other parameters – cadastres, settlements

  3. Change of the spatial parameters of the landscape over time (comparison of landscape features based on historical data)

  4. Creation of map outputs from data on the selected territory

  5. Atlas creation

  6. Graphic materials for making land use plans

  7. Creation of master plans, mounts for the selected area

organizing and archiving data, metadata categorization



  1. We require collateral and the delivery of all supporting materials (maps and data)

  2. Price according to the scope of the request (250 CZK/hour)

Thursday, 02 July 2015 14:00

Landscape Ecology Laboratory

Landscape Ecology Laboratory


Contact information

University: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty of Science
Department of Ecosystem Biology

Branišovská 31

370 05 České Budějovice

Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420605430008
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Processing of maps using GIS tools

Thursday, 02 July 2015 14:00

Department of Ecosystem Biology

Department of Ecosystem Biology

Who are we?

The Department of Ecosystem Biology is a scientific and educational facility that provides instruction in ecological and hydrobiological fields, in which it also carries out research and expert services. Research is carried out in close cooperation with the ASCR institute and is focused on ecosystem processes, with an emphasis on the interaction of plant - soil - water. Graduate theses are drawn up here by students of all levels of study.

What do we do and for whom?

In close cooperation with Šumava NP, we ensure the bachelor’s degree course caring for the environment. Furthermore, together with Biology Centre ASCR, we are developing the field ecosystem biology and we are involved in the postgraduate education of students within the field ecosystem biology and ecosystem hydrobiology.

The main directions of research:

  • the circulation of substances in the watershed

  • the function and diversity of microbial communities in water and soil

  • study of fish communities in reservoirs

  • the impact of human activities on the ecosystems of wet meadows, peat bogs, mountain spruce forests and water reservoirs

  • stocks and the bioavailability of organic matter northern tundra soil.

Our research is carried out in the field, but the processing of samples is dependent on the well-equipped laboratories. During the search of causal dependencies, we conduct extensive laboratory experiments. We use traditional methods of ecological research, but also methods of molecular ecology and stable isotopes. Our research, which is conducted in close collaboration with the ASCR Institute and foreign workplaces, is supported by national funding agencies and the European Union.

At the same time we provide expert services in the field of conservation for Šumava National Park and the region of South Bohemia. We also strive to make our results available to the professional and general public.

Why do we exist?

Our main task is to educate in the fields caring for the environment, ecosystem biology and hydrobiology. We place emphasis on understanding the relationships and processes in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and to understand the importance of the role of species diversity. We try to prepare graduates for work in science and research, but also for work in state administration and local governments, in consulting and expertise firms and in the non-profit sector in dealing with environmental issues.

The field caring for the environment is approved as equivalent to the requirements for special professional competence of employees of state and local governments in the field of nature and landscape protection.

The department cooperates with the Institute of Hydrobiology, the Institute of Soil Biology BC ASCR and the Třeboň workplace Institute of Botany in the fields of aquatic ecology and soil organisms, microbial ecology and the study of processes in soil water and wetland ecosystems disturbed by human activities.

What are our aims?

Our goal is to educate students in the field of caring for the environment so that they have a broad knowledge base in biological and environmental subjects and so that they are simultaneously able to understand the practical issues and environmental protection legislation. In all fields, we aim to educate students to be aware of the importance of the interactions in the system plant - soil - water and be able to connect and interpret the findings. We want our students to find jobs at home and abroad. Therefore, our aim is to develop quality research at the national and international level, where students have the opportunity to participate.

Where to find us?

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Contact information


Branišovská 31a,

České Budějovice

Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420 387 772 361
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Landscape Ecology Laboratory

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