Spin off - sharing experience - výměnný pobyt Česko

Spin off - sharing experience - exchange stay in the Czech Republic

In the penultimate week of June, the second exchange stay took place within the Spin off - sharing experience project, reg. no.: EHP-BFNU-OVNKM-4-091-2022. The Norwegian side went to the Czech project partners. The visit took place in České Budějovice. The three-member delegation from Bergen, Norway consisted of ladies: Hilde Indresøvde from the innovation agency VIS, Sandra Skotnes Haugland from the regional chamber of commerce and Lilit Mailyan from the technology transfer center of the University of Bergen. The guests were provided by the project partner for the Norwegian side, the Apenhet agency. As part of the busy program, the activities of the Technology Transfer Office USB, the Career Center and the regional center of the South Bohemian Region of the CzechInvest agency were gradually presented. The program also included a presentation of the rich activities of the social commission operating at the city council of Prachatice.

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EEA and Norway grants