Department of Laboratory Methods and Information Systems

Department of Laboratory Methods and Information Systems 

Who are we?

Our department mainly educates professionals for practice in health care. Therefore, our scientific and research activity is focused on practical applications. We can offer the experience of our staff in the field of laboratory diagnostic methods, including molecular diagnostics based on DNA and cooperation in the field of genetically modified organisms and computer modeling.

Research focus:

-         molecular diagnostic methods using the properties of molecules and interactions between molecules for molecular recognition and recognition of biological structures; specific applications are focused on the screening method using DNA hybridization, DNA chips for viral diagnostics

-         research of genetically modified organisms

-         study of molecular systems using methods of molecular modeling and simulation of processes

-         practical topics directly related to laboratory practice and information systems

Points of interest - molecular diagnostics

Molecular diagnostics, based on the mutual recognition of molecules, is an integral part of many practical applications in medicine, the pharmaceutical industry, toxicology, the natural environment, the food industry, agricultural production, etc. In a pilot research project, the department developed detection methods specifically aimed at the detection of plant pathogens - bacteria and viruses that provide prerequisites for further applications requiring rapid diagnosis, particularly where it is required to test samples for a larger (virtually unlimited) number of different microorganisms simultaneously. The Department is in contact with leading European institutions that are participating in the development of DNA chips in the COST program and in cooperation which was formed during carrying out the bilateral project of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft focused on the modeling of DNA chips. The Department provides consultation on the use of modern molecular diagnostic methods in practice and if necessary it also assists in the development and application of methods in different conditions.



Laboratory diagnostic methods for the purpose of medical diagnostics

The department guarantees the medical specialization – Medical laboratory assistant, which is focused on the education of laboratory staff for practice in hospitals and other medical facilities. We dispose of leading experts for teaching this discipline. Within theses, appropriately assigned tasks aimed at the verification or comparison of laboratory methods for particular files, preferably with an application in health service, can be addressed.

Computer molecular modeling

Computer molecular modeling enables the performance of complex experiments to verify and predict the behavior of molecules and molecular systems in silico, meaning via computer simulation. This approach saves time and costs in the development of new materials, pharmaceuticals and all systems that use the properties of molecules, such as molecular sensors or anticancer drugs.

The Department of Laboratory Methods and Information Systems has extensive experience in the molecular modeling of the interactions of biological molecules, especially nucleic acids, which it can provide during consultations or for the analysis of specific systems using methods of molecular modeling and other methods of modeling and the simulation of functions.



Dr. Slavomír Rakouský

Technology scout of Fac. Health&Soc. Studies

University of South Bohemia

Branišovská 31

370 05 České Budějovice

Czech Republic