Představení technologií FROV ve Starnbergu
Kancelář transferu technologií srdečně zve na událost, která se bude konat v příštím týdnu:
Senior Center
Basic information about the center
The Center was established at USB HSSF in 2001 and is part of the Institute of Health and Social Work at USB HSSF The target group consists of seniors and persons with Parkinson's disease. In the center, clients are provided free personal consultation on the issue of aging, old age and Parkinson's disease. Memory training courses and reminiscence are in exchange for payment.
The center has cooperated with Společností PARKINSON, v.z. - Klub České Budějovice and the Czech Society for memory training and brain jogging for a long time.
The Center provides:
- memory training courses for seniors and reminiscence
- professional practice of USB HSSF students
- counseling
- project, lectures and educational activities.
Dr. Slavomír Rakouský
Technology scout of Fac. Health&Soc. Studies
University of South Bohemia
Branišovská 31
370 05 České Budějovice
Czech Republic
Phone/ +420 387 772 279
E/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Invest Day 2018
Ekonomická fakulta Jihočeské univerzity opět pořádá soutěž Invest Day, která je určena všem studentům prezenční a kombinované formy studia jakékoliv fakulty JU.
Cílem soutěže je podpořit šikovné studenty, otestovat jejich prezenční dovednosti a především schopnost prodat svůj nápad investorům. Studenti mohou rovněž soutěžit o zajímavé ceny.
Více informací o soutěži na webových stránkách akce: http://investday.ef.jcu.cz/
Physiotherapy center
Physiotherapy center
The USB HSSF Physiotherapy Center is a registered, private medical facility providing services in physiotherapy and rehabilitation medicine:
- comprehensive outpatient services from specialists in the field of physiotherapy, balneology and rehabilitation;
- superior musculoskeletal examination using static posturography, surface electromyography and ultrasound diagnostics;
- comprehensive kinesiology analysis;
- individual physiotherapy using neurophysiological and analytical methods;
- manual therapy in the form of soft tissue techniques, mobilization of joints and the spine, treatment of scars, classic massage, reflexology;
- physical therapy - laser, ultrasound, electrotherapy, combination therapy, thermotherapy;
- kinesiotaping;
- reeducation of movement stereotypes, ergonomics;
- preventive and restorative physiotherapy;
- professional and individual practice for USB HSSF students.
Indication spectrum:
- functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system as a result of an overload of work, sport, etc.;
- dysfunction of the pelvic floor, stress incontinence and functional sterility;
- acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain, particularly the back and joints;
- conditions after injuries and operations;
- vertebral diseases (slipped disc);
- degenerative diseases of the joints and spine;
- congenital and acquired defects of the spine and lower limbs (arthrosis, foot deformity, scoliosis, poor posture);
- neurological diseases (stroke, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, peripheral paresis etc.).
We provide services covered as well as not covered by public health insurance. Orders for all services of the Physiotherapy Center at tel. no. 389 037 844.
Physiotherapy is a medical field dealing with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. It is part of a comprehensive rehabilitation that emphasizes interdisciplinary links especially with medical disciplines. Physiotherapy uses standardized procedures based on the latest scientific knowledge and empirical findings, together with natural energy resources in the form of physical therapy. Physiotherapy approaches are primarily based on knowledge of anatomy, kinesiology, physiology, biomechanics and developmental kinesiology.
The aim of physiotherapy is to restore motion and physiological functions of man and his return to a painless life.
Physiotherapy with its specific means intervenes where movement and other physical and mental function are threatened by the aging process, injury, illness, or congenital defects.
Before visiting a physiotherapist, it is advantageous to be examined by a rehabilitation physician, which physiotherapy purposively requires or a medical specialist, who may require physical therapy as part of their field, exceptionally also a general practitioner who may require short-term physical therapy. A specialist in the field of Rehabilitation and physical medicine (formerly physiatry, balneology and therapeutic rehabilitation) after a thorough examination determines whether the patient's condition requires more aggressive medical intervention (e.g. an operation), or whether rest in bed would be more beneficial.
The physiotherapist is an expert on the issue of the musculoskeletal system, who based on his own examination and in accordance with the recommendation of doctors sets up and implements a combination of physiotherapy practices customized for the patient with regard to his or her needs. In therapy, a holistic view of the patient is used. Not only the areas of pain are treated, but distant body segments are also taken into account. The psyche also has a considerable impact on the musculoskeletal system.
The physiotherapist performs complex kinesiology testing, an analysis of activities of daily living, working sterotypes and sporting activities. A part of physiotherapy is prevention, education and counseling in order to maintain or restore motor functions, as well as recommendations for ergonomic adjustments of the residences and workplaces of patients. Through physiotherapy procedures, methods and techniques the physiotherapist specifically affects the function of the locomotor system, internal organs and mental function.
Dr. Slavomír Rakouský
Technology scout of Fac. Health&Soc. Studies
University of South Bohemia
Branišovská 31
370 05 České Budějovice
Czech Republic
Phone/ +420 387 772 279
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Návštěva Institutu pro rybářství ve Starnbergu
Dne 22. 11. 2017 proběhlo setkání zástupců Jihočeské univerzity s pracovníky Institutu pro rybářství v bavorském Starnbergu.
Toto maloformátové setkání bylo opět realizováno v rámci projektu č. 48: Vybudování znalostního a technologického transferu v příhraničním prostoru Jihočeského kraje a Dolního Bavorska podpořeného z Programu přeshraniční spolupráce Česká republika – Svobodný stát Bavorsko Cíl EÚS 2014-2020.
V rámci setkání proběhlo představení Institutu panem ředitelem, dr. Helmutem Wedekindem. Pracovníci Kanceláře transferu technologií a Fakulty rybářství a ochrany vod JU následně seznámili německé partnery jak se samotným projektem, tak s nabídkou fakulty a s jejími výsledky ve vědě a výzkumu. Prezentována byla především technologie omega3 kapr, v rámci které dále proběhla diskuze nad možnostmi uplatnění chovu omega3 kapra v Bavorsku. Setkání bylo zakončeno krátkou prohlídkou a exkurzí na líheň a rybochovné zařízení.
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Center for the Prevention of Civilization Diseases
Center for the Prevention of Civilization Diseases
"Every day we do one of two things — either
we strengthen our health, or support
disease. "
Adelle Davis
Basic information about the center
The aim of the operation of the center is the implementation of intervention of a preventive nature on the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. The center staff provides short or long-term preventive interventions according to the wishes and needs of the client, working in medical education and in health education.
The center is composed of three organizational units that will intermingle.
- Counseling Center for Health Education
- Nutritional counseling
- Motion counseling
The Center provides:
- Awareness-raising activities
- Individual and group counseling
- The practice of students
General counseling
- Measurement of blood pressure, BMI, circumference of waist and hips
- Consultancy in the field of healthy lifestyles
- Lectures for the general public focused on current issues
- The organization of public events with a focus on healthy lifestyle
Specific counseling
Nutritional counseling
- Measurements of body composition via Bodystat 1500 (determination of total body fat, lean body mass, body water content, basal metabolic rate)
- Nutritional advice for all age groups
- Compilation of individual diet plans
Motion counseling
- Comprehensive individual motion counseling
- Compensation and fitness programs
- Private coaching lessons
Health counseling
- Measurements of anthropometric indicators - body height and weight, determination of BMI, total body fat with the OMRON device, subcutaneous fat with calipers
- Measurement of physiological functions--blood pressure, pulse
- Measurement of biochemical values – blood sugar, total cholesterol, triglycerides, lactate – everything from peripheral blood--from the drops of blood from a finger
- Measurements of body composition via Bodystat 1500 (determination of total body fat, lean body mass, body water content, basal metabolic rate)
- Losing weight with the help of the STOB methodology - using cognitive behavioral therapy - individual and organized courses
- Sensory activation of seniors with dementia, according to the concept of Lere Wehner - individually and in groups
- Evaluation of measured values in relation to individual differences, estimating cardiovascular risk and the risk of type II diabetes.
- The purpose of our counseling is to strengthen motivation in promoting healthy lifestyles of those at risk even in people undergoing treatment for civilization diseases.
Other services offered
- Individual and group weight loss courses (STOB methodology using cognitive behavioral therapy)
- Sensory activation of seniors with dementia, according to the concept of Lere Wehner
Hours for the public:
Tuesday: 2 pm to 5 pm - Health counseling - no need to pre-order
Wednesday: 8-11 pm. -Nutritional and motion counseling
Thursday: 2 pm to 5 pm - Health counseling, nutritional counseling and exercise - health counseling without ordering
Individual consultations can be arranged via e-mail or by phone.
Dr. Slavomír Rakouský
Technology scout of Fac. Health&Soc. Studies
University of South Bohemia
Branišovská 31
370 05 České Budějovice
Czech Republic
Phone/ +420 387 772 279
E/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Setkání s čínskou delegací v sídle TA ČR
Technologická agentura ČR (TA ČR) hostila v pátek 24. listopadu R&D delegaci z čínské provincie Jiangsu, jedné z nejrozvinutějších oblastí v Číně. Na čínské straně byla delegace vedena Jiangsu Center of International Technology Transfer spadající pod Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology. S ním má TA ČR od roku 2015 podepsané memorandum.
Setkání se odehrálo v sídle TA ČR (Evropská 37, Praha 6) a mělo za cíl seznámit relevantní české subjekty s příchozími čínskými delegáty pro možný rozvoj spolupráce v oblasti výzkumu a vývoje v budoucnu. Jihočeská univerzita byla zastoupena vedoucí Kanceláře transferu technologií, dr. Růženou Štemberkovou, která diskutovala možnosti spolupráce v oblasti rybářství, zemědělství, akvakultury i péče o seniory. Nejvíce se čínští zástupci zajímali o výrobu kaviárového krému a péči o seniory.
Z Jiangsu přijelo 10 subjektů, z nichž jeden - Jiangsu Changyuan Information Technology Co.,Ltd - měl zájem rozvíjet spolupráci s ČR v oblasti transferu technologií. Dr. Štemberková zároveň zastupovala národní platformu Transfera.cz a nabídla čínským zástupcům využít i této platformy pro rozvoj spolupráce.
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Department of Psychology and Special Education and the University of the Third Age
Department of Psychology and Special Education
and the University of the Third Age
Who are we?
The Department of Psychology and Special Education guarantees and provides education in a degree program of special education, in the field of special education - teaching and other accredited programs. The implementation of theprogramFurther education of teachers (DVPP), senior education in programs at the University of the Third Age, and last but not least, also active involvement in European educational programs and projects (Grundtvig - Partnership, the Exceptional European Women in Older Age project, 2000-2012) has significantly shaped the area of lifelong learning.
What do we do and for whom?
Within the framework of pedagogic activities the department implements a special education bachelor’s degree program (field of study special education - teaching) in both full-time and combined from of study. The staff of the department ensure the teaching of ethics and philosophy, psychology, psychiatry, special education and the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. In bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral study programs as well as in educational and professional activities, they provide support to students with special educational needs. They significantly participate in the teaching of other forms of lifelong learning.
Cooperation with practice:
The Department of Psychology and Special Education guarantees the job training and supervision of students majoring in special education - teaching. By involving professionals from practice (especially clinical facilities) in teaching, the leadership of undergraduate work and supervisory activities of students at clinical departments closely links theory with practice. The representation of academic and external department staff in governmental ministry working groups, professional associations and on the committees for Health and Social Care of the Council of the South Bohemia Region, strengthens their prestige.
Science and research:
The academic staff of the department are involved in the solution of scientific research projects of the USB HSSF, the development of educational activities within the 2015 Institutional Plan of the University of South Bohemia as well as participating in the project Social Determinants and Their Impact on the Health of Immigrants Living in the Czech Republic (2013-2015). With the Department of Laboratory Methods and Information Systems, it is implementing a project for the development of a typhlopedic computer workplace at USB HSSF.
University of the Third Age
Educational, creative and design activities are displayed by academics of the Department of Psychology and Special Education in the field of the education of adults and the elderly. The University of the Third Age (U3A) has been operating at the Health and Social Studies Faculty of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice since 1992 as a specific form of lifelong learning. The faculty currently offers a wide variety of educational programs, fields and courses in České Budějovice, Písek and Prachatice.
Interested senior persons who have completed secondary education, with no age limit, as well as people with disabilities can become participants in the interest-based non-professional education (U3A).
Why do we exist?
We participate in the education of special educators, social workers and other workers in the helping professions. We improve the quality of their preparation through the implementation of project work in practical training. We strive to strengthen the staff in these disciplines and to create conditions for their development.
What are our aims?
In addition to the educational goals of the development of the knowledge and skill potential of students, teachers and other professionals, we are expanding the range of creative activities and the offer of training opportunities (additional, qualification and certified courses) for those interested in further and lifelong learning.
Contact information
Dr. Slavomír Rakouský
Technology scout of Fac. Health&Soc. Studies
University of South Bohemia
Branišovská 31
370 05 České Budějovice
Czech Republic
Phone/ +420 387 772 279
E/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Prodej licence na užitný vzor
Kancelář transferu technologií zaznamenala další úspěch v komercializaci svých výsledků vědy a výzkumu. Tentokráte se jedná o prodej licence na UV.26543 „Ovocná pomazánka, marmeláda nebo džem“ ze Zemědělské fakulty Jihočeské univerzity. Jedná se o prodej licence v oboru potravinářství. Původce tohoto užitného vzoru je dlouholetý zkušený vědec, Ing. Pavel Smetana, Ph.D., který má dlouholeté zkušenosti z komerční sféry.
Licenční smlouva k tomuto užitnému vzoru byla podepsána dne 30. 11. 2017 s firmou Džemy Vališ, zastoupenou paní Martinou Vališovou, a za účasti vedoucí Kanceláře transferu technologií JU, RNDr. Růženy Štemberkové.
Součástí prodeje této licence bylo i poskytnutí používání ochranné známky JU, které bude využíváno na produkty týkající se této Licenční smlouvy. Zároveň Kancelář transferu technologií předala firmě Vališ i kontakty na odběratele, kteří projevili zájem o tyto džemy.
Department of Clinical and Preclinical Disciplines
The Department of Clinical and Preclinical Disciplines (DCPD)
The Department of Clinical and Preclinical Disciplines is responsible for ensuring the teaching of clinical subjects in most fields of study at the Health and Social Studies Faculty. It is most involved in teaching in the bachelor program Specialization in Health, in the fields Paramedic, Physical Therapist and Nutritional therapist.
The Department of Clinical and Preclinical Disciplines provides theoretical and practical instruction in all clinical subjects that are implemented in the teaching of healthcare and social fields for the Health and Social Studies Faculty of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.
The location of the department
The Department of Clinical and Preclinical Disciplines resulted from the merger of two departments: the Department of Clinical Disciplines and the Department of Preclinical Disciplines in 2011. Based on the number of its academic workers and other external experts participating in teaching, it ranks among the largest departments of the faculty.
The headquarters of the department is Pavilion H in the upper premises of České Budějovice Hospital. Access to the building is possible from the hospital premises as well as from Preslova street.
Direct link to the location on the map here.
Teaching activities
The educational focus of the department, in addition to direct instruction, focuses on the publishing of textbooks, creating e-learning project events and processing accreditation materials. It participates in the education of foreign students in the Czech Republic and abroad.
The academic staff of the department works closely with the individual clinical workplaces in České Budějovice Hospital a.s. and other health care facilities involved in teaching. Many external experts are involved in education in the given areas concerned, so as to ensure the highest professional standards of teaching.
The priority is the modernization and improvement of the existing teaching process of the relevant fields and the continued preparation of postgraduate education and lifelong learning. The continuous updating of thematic plans for individual fields with the addition of recent literature is taking place. The management of the department ensures compliance with the correct concept of leadership seminars and overall teaching and tries to improve the level of annual, bachelor and diploma theses from assignment up until the final form of the work.
Scientific-research activity
The focus of the department staff is targeted on the complex medical and social area. In the scientific and research work, they were involved in research projects of the faculty, University of South Bohemia internal grants and other projects aimed primarily at improving the quality of teaching.
At the Department of Clinical and Preclinical Disciplines the Grant projects GA CR, Internal Grant Agency of the Ministry of Health, GA USB, GA HSSF and the Higher Education Development Fund are addressed. The results of the scientific research work of the department are published in professional journals and actively presented at domestic and international professional conferences.
The department staff are members of professional societies and work on domestic and international expert committees of professional and government organizations (Internal Grant Agency of the MH CR, the editorial board of professional journals, scientific and business boards and professional committees of each university).
Contact with the surroundings
The Department of Clinical and Preclinical Disciplines annually organizes professional conferences, for example Generation 50+, Reproductive Health, Nutrition, an integral part of the treatment of serious diseases and others.
The department staff work in numerous contributory and charities, participate in activities in the public sector and thereby promote not only the department, but also the Health and Social Studies Faculty of the University of South Bohemia as such.
Profile of the department sections
The focus of the comprehensive education at the Department of Clinical and Preclinical disciplines is in the following four areas.
Nutritional therapist
Health and Social Worker
Dr. Slavomír Rakouský
Technology scout of Fac. Health&Soc. Studies
University of South Bohemia
Branišovská 31
370 05 České Budějovice
Czech Republic
Phone/ +420 387 772 279
E/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.