Institute of Mathematics and Biomathematics
Institute of Mathematics and Biomathematics
Who are we?
The Institute of Mathematics and Biomathematics arose from the decision of the USB FS Academic Senate of 1 January 2009.
What do we do and for whom?
We ensure the teaching of mathematics for USB FS. Together with the BC of the ASCR we primarily focus on mathematical applications in biological and environmental fields.
Why do we exist?
The Institute guarantees the bachelor’s field mathematics for education and the master’s field teaching of mathematics for secondary schools. Both fields are designed to be combined with another subject of study within USB. The institute now also guarantees the bachelor field of applied mathematics. The main directions of research activities of the institute are particularly applications of mathematics in biology and ecology.
What are our aims?
We aim to create an excellent workplace oriented on applications of mathematics, especially in biological and environmental fields.
Where to find us?
Contact information
Branišovská 31a,
České Budějovice
Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420 387 772 244
Institute of Physics and Biophysics
Institute of Physics and Biophysics
Who are we?
The institute was founded with the establishment of the Faculty of Science, which builds on traditional studies of biophysics of the former Faculty of Biology and expands the range of other physically based fields. |
What do we do and for whom?
We provide training in accredited bachelor's and master's programs. The department staff are responsible for dealing with GA CR and ME grants, they collaborate with other universities (UJEP, UK), ASCR institutes (ICHP, AI) and foreign partners (Germany, USA, Sweden). The main directions of research activities are:
Why do we exist?
The Institute guarantees the bachelor study of physics, physics education, biophysics and measuring and computing and the master’s study of biophysics and teaching of physics for secondary schools. |
What are our aims?
Our goal is to ensure educational and scientific development in the areas of experimental biophysics (optical laboratory), plasma physics, surfaces and thin layers (experimentally and theoretically), computer modeling and applied electrical engineering (measuring and control technology, audiovisual equipment). In the field of applied physics and electrical engineering we strive for closer cooperation with the manufacturing sector. This effort is included in the forthcoming master program applied measuring and computing. |
Where to find us?
Contact information
Branišovská 31a,
České Budějovice
Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420 387 772 218
Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Who are we?
The Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry is a research and educational unit of the Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia in the České Budějovice. The education of students takes place in the bachelor’s and master’s courses in Chemistry, Biological Chemistry, Chemistry Education and Teaching Chemistry for Secondary Schools. An integral part of the work of the institute is also the research activity which is closely linked with the quality education of students.
What do we do and for whom?
The research activities of the Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry are largely linked to the biological disciplines traditionally cultivated at the USB Faculty of Science or at the institutes of the Biology Centre of the ASCR. In addition, it also develops projects to interface with other natural science disciplines at the faculty such as physics, mathematics or computer science. Research at the Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry can be divided into several groups: Environmental chemistry, structural biochemistry, biophysical chemistry and nanotechnology
Why do we exist?
The mission of the institute is to develop chemical fields at USB FS, mostly in conjunction with classical and modern biological disciplines that USB FS has built over a long time. The institute educates professionals educated in chemical fields both for the academic sector and the commercial sector or the public sector. In addition to training, the institute also ensures the training of future chemistry teachers for secondary schools in combination with other natural science disciplines.
What are our aims?
The USB Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry should ensure the education of specialists in chemical disciplines with an emphasis on interdisciplinary education at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in the long term.
Where to find us?
Contact information
Branišovská 31a,
České Budějovice
Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420 387 775 533
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Department of Molecular Biology
Department of Molecular Biology
Who are we?
The DMB provides training of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students in a broad spectrum of molecular biology. It tries to conduct the highest quality research on the molecular mechanisms of eukaryotic cells.
What do we do and for whom?
The DMB is dedicated to preparing students for a career as a molecular biologist, both in applied and basic research in medicine and biology, as well as with a focus on molecular diagnostics.
It is currently made up of 13 separate laboratories (Bruce lab, Doležel lab, Doležal lab, Jindra lab, Kotsyfakis lab, Krejčí lab, Lazar lab, Lukeš lab, Masako lab, Oborník lab, Šauman lab, Sobotka lab a Zíková lab) mainly located in České Budějovice., but also in Třeboň (Sobotka lab) and Nové Hrady (Lazar lab). The focus of each laboratory is on a specialized area in an extremely wide range of contemporary molecular biology. The common denominator of most of the laboratories of our department is work on model organisms, because it is through them that our cognition of the complexity of unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes is so dynamic.
Another common denominator is the demanding requirements for students of all levels, as it concerns team work, costly research, which aims to produce "cutting-edge" science. In a number of laboratories, English is used for communication.
Why do we exist?
The goal is to train senior researchers at the international level from the best students. All members of the department have extensive international experience and lead research teams. A common feature of master's and doctoral projects is the conducted functional analysis of genes in different model organisms.
What are our aims?
There is no big secret that the most important and most dynamic field of modern biology is molecular biology. The goal of our department is to be a leader in the field, by which we do not mean the Czech Republic, but on the international scale. For this reason, we have students and scholars from around the world in our laboratories. We believe that there will be motivated students from all levels from the USB Faculty of Science, who will always have (and a difficult, but very fun and exciting) an interest in participating. Our long-term goal is to create the best possible conditions for them.
Where to find us?
Contact information
Branišovská 31
37005, České Budějovice
Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: 387775416
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Department of Genetics
Department of Genetics
Who are we?
The Department guarantees Master's degree programs in experimental biology (specialization in genetics and genetic engineering) and the doctoral field molecular and cellular biology and genetics.
The department develops scientific activities in collaboration with the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology BC of the ASCR, the Institute of Entomology BC of the ASCR, the Institute of Parasitology BC of the ASCR, and the South Bohemian University Faculty of Agriculture in the fields of molecular genetics and cytogenetics of plants and animals.
What do we do and for whom?
The department educates and trains bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree students studying genetics or genetic engineering for research activities. On account of their qualifying work, students are directly involved in research, thereby gaining new skills, experience and mastering methods at the highest possible level. The tasks they work on fall mostly within the category of basic research, but in some cases with possible early application potential (e.g. research of plant nucleases and their potential in medicine in the treatment of cancer or the development and modification of transformation methods for transgensis plants).
Why do we exist?
The Department of Genetics (DGN) of the USB Faculty of Science is involved in ensuring the field of study Biology and the field of study Biomedical Laboratory Technology, the bachelor degree program BIOLOGY,the study program Biophysics (focused on the Preparation for the master's study of Biophysics) the bachelor degree program BIOPHYSICS and the field of study Caring for the environment (with a specialization in Management and decision-making in the environment and Monitoring and analysis in the environment) and the bachelor degree program ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
Under the master's degree program BIOLOGY, the department guarantees the study field Experimental biology, specializing in genetics and genetic engineering.
The department also guarantees together with the Department of Molecular Biology the study program Molecular and cell biology and genetics of the doctoral program MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY.
The department staff also provide teaching or participate in courses guaranteed by the Department of Molecular Biology. The Department of Genetics coordinates bachelor (dissertation) work focused on molecular genetics and the cytogenetics of plants, animals and humans and on transgensis plants.
What are our aims?
We want to keep the existing diversity of the offer of topics for theses students (evolution of multigene families, the use of genetic markers for solving taxonomic problems of selected arthropods, biology and evolution of the chromosomes of arthropods, organization of the plant genome, molecular diagnostics of plant viruses, viroids and phytoplasmas, antisense RNA in plants, transgenesis plants ) and expand the range of training courses to include some other ones (genetic toxicology, evolutionary genetics of animals), which should be useful for students from other departments.
Where to find us?
Contact information
Branišovská 31a,
České Budějovice
Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420 387 775 515
Laboratory of Ecology of Temperate Insects
Laboratory of Ecology of Temperate Insects
Contact information
University: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Faculty: Department of Zoology
Branišovská 31, České Budějovice
Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420605430008
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web site:
Biological surveys of industrial habitats | |
Department of Zoology
Department of Zoology
Who are we?
The Department of Zoology of the USB Faculty of Science brings together small teams of experienced and prospective specialists in different zoological disciplines (evolutionary biology, ethology, ecology, ecophysiology, protection of fauna) and groups (butterflies, beetles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals)
What do we do and for whom?
The Department of Zoology of the USB Faculty of Science provides instruction and research in the fields of: evolution, ecology and ethology of animals.
Our research activities are focused on the following topics: biology of the African underground rodents, population biology of mammals, ethology of mammals, primatology, ethology of birds, reproductive biology of birds, amphibian and reptile anatomy, evolution and biogeography of fish, phylogeny of animals, tropical ecology of invertebrates and vertebrates, ecophysiology of insects, ecology of butterflies, biology of ladybugs, species and habitat protection of invertebrates and vertebrates.
We are developing scientific activity in cooperation with the Institute of Entomology of the ASCR , the Institute of Hydrobiology of the ASCR , the Institute of Parasitology of the ASCR , the Institute of Soil Biology of the ASCR the Institute of Vertebrate Biology of the ASCR , the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics of the ASCR, the Department of Ethology of the Research Institute of Animal Production, v.v.i. , the Zoological Institute of the University of Essen the Department of Zoology of USB FS , the Ministry of the Environment of the CR.
We guarantee the master's degree programs in Zoology with a specialization in Vertebrate Zoology, Entomology, Animal Ecology, and doctoral fields of Zoology and Entomology. Coordinates bachelor’s dissertations focused on zoology. The Department of Zoology staff is involved in the implementation of the field Biology and the protection of organisms of interest guaranteed by the Department of Biological Disciplines of the USB Faculty of Agriculture.
Why do we exist?
The Department of Zoology of the USB Faculty of Science prepares professionals for public (Ministry of Environment of the CR, the management of national parks and protected areas, state and local governmental bodies, museums) in the civil (environmentally oriented NGOs) and private (firms engaged in the assessment of environmental impacts, land consolidation, land reclamation) spheres.
The basic research, which we carry out, contributes to the integration of the CR into the European and global scientific community, while also providing the transfer of the latest knowledge and its transmission to our students. Activities implemented in developing countries (New Guinea, Africa) contribute to solving some of the global problems (biodiversity conservation).
Applied research projects, which we participate in. We strive for the efficient use of resources expended for the conservation of nature (reclamation of mining areas, organic farming in grassland and forest ecosystems, species protection, the regulation of unwanted species).
What are our aims?
The Department of Zoology of the USB Faculty of Science should build on the existing successful scientific activity. In the field of basic research it primarily concerns the study of phylogeny and the evolution of selected animal groups (invertebrates, freshwater fish, rodents), the ethology and ecology of vertebrates (adaptation of underground mammals, cognitive abilities of mammals and birds), ecology of tropical communities (insects, birds). The applied research focuses on species (butterflies, mammals) and habitats (meadows, wetlands, military areas, quarries and dumps) of invertebrates and vertebrates. In teaching, the preparation of high school biology teachers will be a new direction.
Where to find us?
Contact information
Branišovská 31a,
České Budějovice
Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420 389 022 253
Fax: +420 389 022 263
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Department of Parasitology
Department of Parasitology
Who are we?
The Department of Parasitology ensures the master's and doctoral program of parasitology. The research activity involves structural, ecological, biochemical phylogenetic and molecular aspects of the biology of parasites.
What do we do and for whom?
The department is dedicated to the professional training of students in the field of parasitology. It is targeted into several thematic areas:
Protistan and metazoan parasites in fish
This research has a long tradition associated with fish with several laboratories of the Institute of Parasitology of the ASCR. Most of the topics deal with microsporidia, myxozoa, amphizoic amoebae, tapeworms and parasitic trematodes in fish hosts. The research mainly deals with morphological and ultrastructural characteristics, the description of new species and clarifying their development cycles using techniques of molecular biology.
Medical and Veterinary Parasitology
The research deals with organisms causing so-called opportunistic infections, e.g. cryptosporidia and microsporidia. Using experimental and natural infections, it studies host susceptibility, host specificity, histopathological changes and other important parameters of these diseases.
Molecular biology of carriers
The aim of this theme is to analyze the molecular and cellular factors responsible for the interaction of the carrier with the host. Examples are components of salivary glands of ticks or the molecule α2-macrotubulin as a component of tick immunity. From an ecological and epidemiological point of view the immunological and genetic characterization of different strains of tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease agents are especially important.
Molecular phylogenetics and the evolution of parasites
Using molecular information it studies phylogenetic relationships and population structures within parasitic and symbiotic relationships. These analyses serve to clarify various issues of evolutionary parasitology, e.g. the role of host specificity and geographic distribution in the emergence of the parasite population structure or coevolutionary processes between parasites and hosts.
Why do we exist?
The department guarantees the master and doctoral field study program of parasitology. It coordinates the study programs and the qualification thesis of students of bachelor programs focusing on parasitology. It is developing scientific activity in the framework of cooperation between USB FS and the Parasitological Institute BC of the ASCR in the fields of biology and ecology of parasitic protozoa, worms and arthropods and in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology of parasites.
What are our aims?
The Department of Parasitology will continue the development of existing research activities and will continue to be devoted to training students in the field of parasitology.
Where to find us?
Contact information
Branišovská 31
České Budějovice
Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: 387775441
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Department of Animal Physiology
Department of Animal Physiology
Who are we?
The Department of Physiology was founded in 2000, originally as part of the USB Faculty of Biology. The main objective of the department is to educate students and their preparation for future practice and coordination of research activities in the field of animal physiology.
What do we do and for whom?
The department offers courses within the specialization of Animal Physiology. The scientific work of the department staff and the students led by them focuses on the study of metabolism and the development of invertebrates and vertebrates and ecological physiology. This study includes research on insect stress hormones and the characterization of their function in triggering anti-stress reactions, physiological research on adaptation to survive low temperatures and the role of circadian oscillators in regulating the daily rhythmicity of behavior and photoperiodism, and metabolism research in aquatic animals.
Why do we exist?
The department coordinates the study programs and dissertations of students of bachelor programs focusing on animal physiology. Furthermore it guarantees master's degree programs in Experimental Biology and the specialization of Animal Physiology and the doctoral field of study Physiology and Developmental Biology of Animals. It is developing its scientific activity in the areas of insect physiology and the fish physiology. It closely cooperates with the Institute of Entomology BC of the ASCR in České Budějovice.
What are our aims?
The aim of the department is to ensure the quality teaching of courses covering important areas of animal physiology, teach students to master the methodological background of the main trends in modern animal physiology and in the research area, to build upon the above mentioned projects. |
Where to find us?
Contact information
Branišovská 31a,
České Budějovice
Registration No.: 60076658
Fax: +420 385 310 366
Landscape Ecology Laboratory
Landscape Ecology Laboratory
Contact information
University: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Department: Department of Ecosystem Biology
Branišovská 31
370 05 České Budějovice
Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420605430008
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.