Department of Ecosystem Biology
Department of Ecosystem Biology
Who are we?
The Department of Ecosystem Biology is a scientific and educational facility that provides instruction in ecological and hydrobiological fields, in which it also carries out research and expert services. Research is carried out in close cooperation with the ASCR institute and is focused on ecosystem processes, with an emphasis on the interaction of plant - soil - water. Graduate theses are drawn up here by students of all levels of study.
What do we do and for whom?
In close cooperation with Šumava NP, we ensure the bachelor’s degree course caring for the environment. Furthermore, together with Biology Centre ASCR, we are developing the field ecosystem biology and we are involved in the postgraduate education of students within the field ecosystem biology and ecosystem hydrobiology.
The main directions of research:
the circulation of substances in the watershed
the function and diversity of microbial communities in water and soil
study of fish communities in reservoirs
the impact of human activities on the ecosystems of wet meadows, peat bogs, mountain spruce forests and water reservoirs
stocks and the bioavailability of organic matter northern tundra soil.
Our research is carried out in the field, but the processing of samples is dependent on the well-equipped laboratories. During the search of causal dependencies, we conduct extensive laboratory experiments. We use traditional methods of ecological research, but also methods of molecular ecology and stable isotopes. Our research, which is conducted in close collaboration with the ASCR Institute and foreign workplaces, is supported by national funding agencies and the European Union.
At the same time we provide expert services in the field of conservation for Šumava National Park and the region of South Bohemia. We also strive to make our results available to the professional and general public.
Why do we exist?
Our main task is to educate in the fields caring for the environment, ecosystem biology and hydrobiology. We place emphasis on understanding the relationships and processes in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and to understand the importance of the role of species diversity. We try to prepare graduates for work in science and research, but also for work in state administration and local governments, in consulting and expertise firms and in the non-profit sector in dealing with environmental issues.
The field caring for the environment is approved as equivalent to the requirements for special professional competence of employees of state and local governments in the field of nature and landscape protection.
The department cooperates with the Institute of Hydrobiology, the Institute of Soil Biology BC ASCR and the Třeboň workplace Institute of Botany in the fields of aquatic ecology and soil organisms, microbial ecology and the study of processes in soil water and wetland ecosystems disturbed by human activities.
What are our aims?
Our goal is to educate students in the field of caring for the environment so that they have a broad knowledge base in biological and environmental subjects and so that they are simultaneously able to understand the practical issues and environmental protection legislation. In all fields, we aim to educate students to be aware of the importance of the interactions in the system plant - soil - water and be able to connect and interpret the findings. We want our students to find jobs at home and abroad. Therefore, our aim is to develop quality research at the national and international level, where students have the opportunity to participate.
Where to find us?
Contact information
Branišovská 31a,
České Budějovice
Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420 387 772 361
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Laboratory of Genetically Modified Plants
Laboratory of Genetically Modified Plants
Basic research is focused on plant physiology and anatomy, ecophysiology, biochemistry and the biophysics of photosynthesis. The objectives of the applied research are the study of the thermal stress physiology of plants and photosynthetic microorganisms, the development of thermotolerant strains for biotechnological applications and the research of the cuticle sheet as a transport barrier for agrochemicals.
Offer of services
1 / cultivation of genetically modified micro-organisms in suspension in a content of individual batches of 10 L and plants in hydroponic culture to 14 m2 of areas cultivated under controlled conditions (spectral composition of light, temperature, atmospheric composition).
2 / gravimetric quantification and determination of the biomass yield of photosynthetic activity of genetically modified plants by measuring the gas exchange (O2, CO2)
3 / permeability testing of the surface of the leaves of plants (cuticle) for water (wetting effects) and agrochemicals
Future (with an emphasis on applied research)
Our competence in plant physiology research and technical support for the use of genetically modified organisms creates a complete platform for cooperation with the commercial sector in the field of plant biotechnology.
Contact information
University: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Faculty: Department of Experimental Plant Biology
USB Faculty of Sciences, Branišovská 31, 370 05 České Budějovice
Registration No.:
Tel.: +420605430008
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web site:
Department of Experimental Plant Biology
Department of Experimental Plant Biology
Who are we?
The Department of Plant Physiology mainly deals with the education of master's and doctoral students in the fields of experimental biology, specialization physiology and plant anatomy.
What do we do and for whom?
The main directions of research activities
photosynthesis of higher plants, algae and cyanobacteria
the interactions between plants and the atmosphere (gas exchange and its regulation, development and function of stomata, stress physiology)
the water regime of plants (structure and function of leaf cuticle, hydraulic architecture of plants, plant water use efficiency)
the structure of protein complexes in thylakoid membranes
the application of stable isotopes as a tool for research in biology and ecology
instrument development and new detection methods in plant physiology
Why do we exist?
The department ensures the master’s study program Experimental Biology (specialization in plant physiology) and in the framework of the doctoral program Physiology and Immunology it ensures the field Physiology and Developmental Biology, specialization of Plant Physiology. Within the bachelor’s programs, it coordinates student dissertations focused on plant physiology and anatomy, ecophysiology, biochemistry and biophysics of photosynthesis and on biomembranal processes. We try to contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge in experimental biology. The main directions of research activities are: photosynthesis of higher plants and algae, the development and function of stomata, the water regime of plants, the structure of protein complexes and changes in their arrangement in biomembranes, the interaction of plants and the environment and the development of new detection devices and methods for plant physiology.
What are our aims?
The aim of our work is understanding the basic processes and mechanisms that regulate plant growth and development, and the interaction between terrestrial vegetation, phytoplankton and the Earth's atmosphere. To do this, we use modern biophysical and biochemical methods, including stable isotope techniques. Part of the research and education of students is the cooperation with research institutes in Europe, America and Australia. The aim is the competitively capable basic and applied research of the scientific and teaching staff of the department, as well as students leading to new knowledge in the field.
Where to find us?
Contact information
Branišovská 31a,
České Budějovice
Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420 387772353
Fax: +420 387772371
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phycological Laboratory
Phycological Laboratory
In addition to teaching students, the Phycological Laboratory is engaged in scientific activities in the area of diversity, ecology and phylogeny of cyanobacteria and some groups of algae.
Contact information
University: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Department: Department of Botany
Na Zlaté stoce 1
37005 České Budějovice
Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420605430008
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Analysis of samples of cyanobacteria and algae from aquatic and terrestrial sites | |
Testing of materials resistance to sprouting phototrophic biofilms |
Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Palaeoecology
Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Palaeoecology
The Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Paleoecology (LAPE) is a specialized university workplace, established in September 2002 at the Faculty of Science at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.
LAPE performs all the main methods within the field of archaeobotany, in particular the analysis of plant macro-remains and the xylotomic determination of wood and embers. It also deals with the paleoecological fields:
-pollen analysis, archeozoology, dendrochronology, diatomic and phytolith analysis
--and their use in archaeology.
LAPE provides many services under agreement with the archaeological workplace. In addition to consultation relating to the use of scientific methods in archeology, it mainly concerns its own archaeozoological and archeobotanical analysis. LAPE also builds on the same type of activities carried out from 1997 to 2002 by the company ARCHEOS, which is mainly, systemically engaged in rescue archaeological research. The aforementioned company broadly supports the activities of LAPE.
Where to find us?
Contact information
University: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Department: Department of Botany
Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420605430008
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Department of Botany
Department of Botany
Who are we?
The Department of Botany is a scientific-educational workplace that provides instruction in botanical and ecological fields for the faculty and the entire university, and also conducts research in these fields. Students from all degree levels draw up their graduate work at the Department of Botany and the related Institute of Botany of the ASCR.
What do we do and for whom?
The Department of Botany (DB) of the USB Faculty of Science is involved in the education of students in the study fields of BIOLOGY and the study field ENVIRONMENTAL CARE.
The department is developing scientific activity in collaboration with the Institute of Botany of the ASCR in the fields of taxonomy, bionomics and ecology of cyanobacteria and algae, fungi, bryophytes and vascular plants. Our research takes place both in the field and in laboratories. We are involved in both basic research and its applications, especially in the protection of nature and the environment and in ecology and restoration. Members of the department contribute to the publishing of top global scientific journals in their fields through their editorial work and their textbooks and manuals are widely used both at home and abroad.
Why do we exist?
The department guarantees master's degree programs in Botany (specialization - bionomics of cyanobacteria and algae, mycology, systematics of higher plants, ecology of populations and communities, vegetation ecology, archaeobotany) and the doctoral field of botany. It coordinates the bachelor’s degree programs and dissertations focused on botanical disciplines. It is developing scientific activities mainly in collaboration with the Institute of Botany of the ASCR in the fields of taxonomy, bionomics and ecology of cyanobacteria and algae, fungi, bryophytes and vascular plants. Special attention is paid to the use of molecular methods in the study of phylogenetic relationships of cyanobacteria, algae and higher plants, restoration ecology, ecological succession, evolution and the ecology of hemiparasitic plants and mathematical ecology.
What are our aims?
We want to educate students at all levels of study, who find jobs both at home and abroad (a number of our graduates successfully work abroad), both in research and in practice, e.g. in conservation. We want to see the results of our scientific work continue to be respected by the general professional public.
Where to find us?
Contact information
Na Zlaté stoce 1,
370 05 České Budějovice
Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420 389 032 345
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Faculty of Science
The Faculty of Science
Who are we?
The USB Faculty of Science was established in 2007 from the USB Biological Faculty through the expansion of the biologically oriented studies to include the chemical, mathematical, physical and informatics disciplines. The study programs offered also include the education of future secondary school teachers. The USB FS in its current form allows candidates with a wide range of ideas about the focus of their studies and future careers to select the appropriate field or combination of fields: graduates of the faculty can find their application in various fields of scientific research, in university and secondary education, but also in government, institutions, in health care facilities or in the private sector. The USB FS is not only educational, but also a successful scientific research institution. It allows those interested in scientific work to work during their studies on scientific teams, where they can also participate in international research projects and often celebrate their first research achievements there. The long-term aim of USB FS is to support the travel of students abroad to specialized workplaces and universities. The procurement of the latest knowledge, different scientific approaches and the language improvement of students is the objective. According to independent studies, USB FS ranks among the top research-oriented science faculties in the country. The same results are also shown on the basis of the evaluation of schools according to the methodology of the Government Council for Research and Development. USB FU has established numerous instances of collaboration with major domestic and foreign research institutions and universities during its existence
What do we do and for whom?
The faculty is currently organizationally divided into institutes which provide for the development of new non-biological science disciplines and into biological science departments. An integral part of the life of the faculty is its collaboration with the workplace of the Academy of Sciences of the CR in the region. The USB Faculty of Science shares premises with the Biology Centre of the ASCR, part of the USB FS teaching staff are recruited from employees of the BC of the ASCR and many students work on their projects under the guidance of experts in the ASCR workplace. The Faculty of Science is currently divided into the following departments and institutes:
Department of Botany
Department of Ecosystem Biology
Department of Plant Physiology
Department of Animal Physiology
Department of Genetics
Department of Molecular Biology
Department of Medical Biology
Department of Parasitology
Department of Zoology
Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Institute of Physics and Biophysics
Institute of Mathematics and Biomathematics
Institute of Applied Informatics
Department of Languages
Why do we exist?
The Faculty of Science is focused primarily on education in bachelor's, master's and doctoral study programs. Bachelor’s degrees can be obtained in the following programs: biology, biophysics, biological chemistry, biomedical laboratory technology, environmental care, applied informatics, chemistry, physics, measuring and computer technology as well as vocational training for future secondary school teachers.
Master's programs offer a variety of biological disciplines and specializations in the following departments: botany, ecosystem biology, animal physiology, genetics, molecular biology and biochemistry, general biology, parasitology and zoology. Other science disciplines are provided by several of the newly formed institutes: Chemistry and biochemistry, physics and biophysics, applied informatics and mathematics.
Since the beginning of its existence, USB FS has been a research faculty with a strong emphasis on science education in study programs, especially doctoral. This is also reflected in the results of evaluation of the scientific work of the USB FS compared with other faculties in the CR.
What are our aims?
The Faculty of Science (Faculty of Biological Sciences) of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice has, since the very beginning of its existence, been built as a research faculty at the interface with the South Bohemian or the České Budějovice workplace of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The faculty research ambitions remain the main long-term goal orientation of the faculty. One of the main reasons for the expansion of the thematic portfolio of the original biological faculty was to create conditions for the significant strengthening of modern life sciences with an emphasis on relationships with other branches of natural sciences (chemistry, physics), mathematics and informatics. Their close cooperation and penetration of biological sciences in scientific work and study programs is a prerequisite for enabling the faculty to keep pace in an international / global context. On the way to maintaining and strengthening the international reputation of the faculty, persistent emphasis is placed on formal and informal international contacts, exchanges of students within joint projects, but also teachers sharing new experiences of modern cutting-edge research.
Where to find us?
Contact information
Branišovská 1160/31
370 05 České Budějovice
Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420 387 772 244
Fax: +420 385 310 366
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Department of Experimental Plant Biology | |||
Přírodovědecká fakulta
Přírodovědecká fakulta
Kdo jsme?
Přírodovědecká fakulta JU vznikla v roce 2007 z Biologické fakulty JU rozšířením biologicky zaměřeného studia o chemické, matematické, fyzikální a informatické obory. Součástí nabízených studijních programů je také vzdělávání budoucích středoškolských učitelů. PřF JU v současné podobě umožňuje výběr vhodného oboru, popřípadě kombinace oborů, zájemcům s širokým spektrem představ o zaměření studia a budoucím uplatnění: absolventi fakulty se mohou uplatnit v různých oblastech přírodovědného výzkumu, ve vysokém a středním školství, ale také v institucích státní správy, ve zdravotnických zařízeních nebo v soukromém sektoru. PřF JU je nejen vzdělávací, ale také úspěšnou vědecko-výzkumnou institucí. Zájemcům o vědeckou práci umožňuje již během studia pracovat ve vědeckých týmech, kde se mohou zapojit i do mezinárodních výzkumných projektů a nezřídka zde slaví své první badatelské úspěchy. Dlouhodobým záměrem PřF JU je podpora výjezdu studentů na zahraniční specializovaná pracoviště a univerzity. Cílem je zprostředkování nejnovějších poznatků, odlišných vědeckých přístupů a jazykové zdokonalení studentů. Podle nezávislých studií se PřF JU řadí mezi přední výzkumně orientované přírodovědné fakulty v republice. Stejné výsledky vykazuje i na základě hodnocení škol podle metodiky Rady vlády pro výzkum a vývoj. PřF JU během své existence navázala četné spolupráce s významnými tuzemskými i zahraničními výzkumnými institucemi a vysokými školami.
Co děláme a pro koho?
Fakulta se v současné době organizačně člení na ústavy, které zajišťují rozvoj nových nebiologických přírodovědných oborů a na katedry biologických oborů. Nedílnou součástí života fakulty je její spolupráce s pracovišti Akademie věd ČR v regionu. Přírodovědecká fakulta JU sdílí s Biologickým centrem AVČR jeden areál, část vyučujících PřF JU se rekrutuje ze zaměstnanců BC AVČR, mnozí studenti pracují na svých projektech pod vedením odborníků na pracovištích AVČR. Přírodovědecká fakulta se v současné době člení na následující katedry a ústavy:
Katedra botaniky
Katedra biologie ekosystémů
Katedra fyziologie rostlin
Katedra fyziologie živočichů
Katedra genetiky
Katedra molekulární biologie
Katedra medicínské biologie
Katedra parazitologie
Katedra zoologie
Ústav chemie a biochemie
Ústav fyziky a biofyziky
Ústav matematiky a biomatematiky
Ústav aplikované informatiky
Oddělení jazyků
Proč existujeme?
Přírodovědecká fakulta se především zaměřuje na vzdělávání v bakalářských, magisterských a doktorských studijních programech. V bakalářském stupni je možné studovat následující programy: Biologie, Biofyzika, Biological Chemistry, Biomedicínská laboratorní technika, Péče o životní prostředí, Aplikovaná informatika, Chemie, Fyzika, Měřící a výpočetní technika, Odborné vzdělávání pro budoucí středoškolské učitele.
Magisterské programy nabízí řadu biologických oborů a specializací na následujících katedrách: Botanika, Biologie ekosystémů, Fyziologie živočichů, Genetika, Molekulární biologie a biochemie, Obecné biologie, Parazitologie, Zoologie. Další přírodovědné obory jsou zajišťovány několika nově vzniklými ústavy: Chemie a biochemie, Fyzika a biofyzika, Aplikovaná informatika, Matematika.
Přírodovědecká fakulta JU se od počátku své existence profiluje jako výzkumná fakulta s velkým důrazem na vědeckou výchovu ve studijních programech, zejména doktorských. To se samozřejmě odráží i ve výsledcích hodnocení vědecké práce PřF JU ve srovnání s ostatními fakultami v ČR.
Kam směřujeme?
Přírodovědecká fakulta (Biologická fakulta) Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích je od samotného počátku své existence budována jako výzkumná fakulta na rozhraní s jihočeskými resp. Českobudějovickými pracovišti Akademie věd České republiky. Ambice výzkumné fakulty zůstává hlavním dlouhodobým cílem směřování fakulty. Jedním z hlavních důvodů pro rozšíření tématické portfolia původní biologické fakulty bylo vytvořit podmínky pro výrazné posílení moderní vědy o živé přírodě důrazem na vazbu s ostatními obory přírodních věd (chemie,fyzika), matematiky a informatiky. Jejich těsná spolupráce a pronikání do biologických věd ve vědecké práci i studijních programech je podmínkou k tomu, aby fakulta držela krok v mezinárodním/světovém kontextu. Cestou k udržení a dalšímu posilování mezinárodní reputace fakulty je trvalý důraz na formální i neformální mezinárodní kontakty, výměnu studentů v rámci společných projektů, ale také učitelů sdílejících nové zkušenosti moderního špičkového výzkumu.
Kde nás najdete?
//řírodovědecká fakulta ceske budejovice@sss=1@ssp=113826924_122580684_156753004_156626636@x=133202715@y=131997230@z=11" target="_blank">Zobrazit mapu
Kontaktní údaje
Branišovská 1160/31
370 05 České Budějovice
IČ: 60076658
Tel.: +420 387 772 244
Fax: +420 385 310 366
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Realizace projektu Jihočeské Univerzitní a Akademické CTT končí
České Budějovice, 20. května 2015 – Dne 30. 4. 2015 byla na Jihočeské univerzitě v Českých Budějovicích (JU) a Biologickém centru AV ČR (BC) ukončena realizace projektu Jihočeské Univerzitní a Akademické CTT. Projekt byl podpořen z Operačního programu Výzkum a vývoj pro inovace (OP VaVpI). Celková výše dotace činila více než 56, 4 milionu korun.
Setkání podnikatelů a zástupců Zemědělské fakulty JU
Výzkum a vývoj pro firmy z oblasti potravinářství, v tomto duchu se neslo setkání zástupců Zemědělské fakulty Jihočeské univerzity s podnikateli, které se uskutečnilo na půdě Jihočeské hospodářské komory v úterý 19. 5. O tom, že se jedná o aktuální téma, svědčil velký zájem ze strany účastníků, kterých se sešlo téměř pět desítek. Záměrem setkání bylo představit nové technologie vyvíjené akademickou sférou, které přinášejí nové možnosti ve výrobě či zpracování produktů.